Jimi was a member of the Starliters for only a short period in late 1965. No studio recordings are known to exist but a few concerts from a Starliters tour have been documented (see also the "timeline" -entries). Jimi wrote home to his father during the tour:
Postcard to Al Hendrix, stamped 24 November 1965 in Lynn, Massachusetts
(Postcard depicts Castle Mar Motel, Revere Beach, Massachusetts):
"Dear Dad - We're in Boston Mass. We'll be here for about 10 days. We're actually playing in Revere. tell "Ernie" I'm in her home state - I'm playing up here with Joey Dee and the Starliters. I hope everything's alright - we're right next to the ocean right across the street! Jimmy"
Reproduced in UV #5.
Jimi was also photographed twice as a member of the Starliters. Photos taken on the 3rd of November 1965 at Go-Go McVans in Buffalo, New York give us a partial line-up for the Starliters at the time:
Joey Dee and the Starliters in November 1965
Jimi Hendrix - guitar
Jimmy Mayes - drums
Calvin Duke - organ
Joey Dee - vocals
Additional players probably include at least a 2nd vocalist and a bass player.
Joey Dee has at least one photograph from another date (published in Univibes). Visit Joey Dee's official website (very little mention of Jimi made) at: www.joeydee.com