Gathered here are pieces that I've written about some more general subjects than just artist that Jimi performed and / or recorded with.

Early Jimi Hendrix On Polaroid
- many of the early shots of Jimi taken before September 1966 are Polaroids, this is just a little article on how this is apparent on the pictures and how they were originally taken.

Humour And Comedy
- jokes and references that Jimi made that can be traced back to "the early days"

Johnny Brantley And His Productions
- an (in progress) overview of producer Johnny Brantley's career in music

Jimi And Elvis
- as far as know Jimi Hendrix and Elvis Presley never met but Elvis of course influenced Jimi as well as practically every other rock musician that ever lived.

Jimi And Fats Domino
- I am not aware of Jimi ever playing with Fats Domino but by his own admission he did go and see Fats play at least once and did play guitar on a cover of a Fats Domino song in 1966

- an early video jukebox which operated with 16 mm film, one was installed at the Cheetah in 1966